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2020 Grant Awards – Quarterly Board Brief with Brandi Hudson

Foundation News & Updates

Winter 2021

Your quarterly charitable check-up
from the Saint Francis Foundation Board of Directors

This is the first quarterly update in 2021 from the Saint Francis Foundation Board of Directors. These regular “check-ups” demonstrate how philanthropic contributions are invested to support health care in San Francisco.

Brandi Hudson has been a Board Member for two years and serves as the chair of the Grants Committee and a member of both Strategic Planning and Development Committees. 

This Board Brief highlights the Foundation’s grant-making in 2020, including a commitment of $1M to the newly established Community Crisis Response Fund. The fund is designated for emergencies as they arise, for example, the Hospital Staff Emergency Relief Fund and Triage Center Critical Supplies Fund in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition, the Foundation approved a grant for the Bothin Burn Center, a novel device that uses virtual reality technology to mitigate pain for patients after a major burn incident. This option provides alternatives to traditional pain treatment options and may reduce needs for opiates.

We were thrilled to welcome back Hob Nob in December 2020 as a virtual gala raising more than $300k for the Hospital. If you missed the live stream, you can still watch the broadcast.

Thank you to our supporters for embracing the Foundation’s mission, and we look forward to continuing to support the city’s oldest Hospital in the community.

With gratitude,
2020-21 Board of Directors, Saint Francis Foundation

Scott Taylor, Board Chair
Daniella Vallurupalli, Vice Chair
Jim Aleveras
Arjun Arora
Deanna Berzins
Johnny Boynton
Matt Brady
Ed Conlon
Elsie Fletcher
Richard Grossman, M.D.
Michele Hanson
Brandi Bentley Hudson
Aneesh Krishna
Nili Malach Poynter
Frank Malin, M.D.
Chris Meza
Nicole Prieto
Victor Prieto, M.D.
Sarita Satpathy, M.D.
Kate Smith
Joanne Sun, M.D.
Paul Tormey
Aneal Vallurupalli