Moy’s Heroes: $10,000 Annual Award for Hospital Employees
Hospital News & Updates

Brad K. Moy, MD is committed to recognizing heroes at Saint Francis Memorial Hospital. In April 2019, Dr. Moy made the largest gift to date to the Saint Francis Foundation’s education fund to support Saint Francis staff. “Moy’s Heroes” award will greatly impact a Hospital employee’s professional goals.
A $10,000 award will be presented annually to a Saint Francis Memorial Hospital employee. All full-time and part-time (20 hours) employees are eligible, and the employee must be nominated by a colleague. The nominee will have displayed a unique act of kindness and/or demonstrated exceptional service to patients and others.
Applications are available and can be submitted in the Foundation office,12th Floor, Suite 1208. The award winner will be selected by a Foundation-led panel and will be announced in Fall 2019.
Saint Francis Foundation has approved more than $125,000 in grants over the last five years to fund education and training opportunities for Saint Francis Memorial Hospital nurses and staff.