What a Quarter! Summer Newsletter
Hospital News & Updates

Dear Friends,
How are you doing? These are very difficult times. I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are doing well – in body, mind and spirit.
The Foundation has been fortunate to be an integral part of ensuring the health and longevity of our community hospital and the community it serves, most recently including the surge in COVID-19 cases from overwhelmed health systems outside of San Francisco.
Saint Francis’ dedicated COVID ward continues to lead the City’s efforts, though fortunately, the number of hospitalized patients is steadily low. We recently implemented a high capacity testing device which can run hundreds of COVID tests daily, with same-day results for patients. We will continue to invest in this effort until we are on the other side of it. And throughout it all, our health care workers have endured a great deal, and we continue to thank them.
All of this has been possible under the leadership of Dr. David Klein, Hospital President and CEO, who leaves Saint Francis at the end of August. The Hospital Board of Trustees has begun the search for his successor and will appoint an interim president soon. A close friend of the Foundation, Dr. Klein has led Saint Francis through this extraordinarily challenging time. We are grateful for his service and wish him well.
You, our friends and supporters, have made our work possible during this true Community Crisis. Every day we see hope, courage and the resiliency of our human spirit.
With sincere gratitude,
Mark Ryle

It’s so hard to say goodbye…to Dr. Jordan, Saint Francis Chief Medical Officer
Last month, we had to say goodbye to Dr. Kathleen Jordan, Saint Francis’ outgoing CMO. An infectious disease expert, Dr. Jordan’s leadership was just what we needed during the start of this pandemic. We will miss seeing her regularly in the Hospital halls but we know she will remain connected to the Foundation’s work. Read about what most excites and concerns her regarding the future of health care.
Share your insights, intentions and inspirations with us!
If you have not already, we would greatly appreciate it if you could fill out our 10-question 2020 Supporter Survey by Friday, July 31. Your input will shape our work in the 2020-21 fiscal year. Thank you!
Have you gotten your quarterly check-up?
Our Board of Directors just launched the new quarterly Board Brief, a video “check-up” directly from the Board to update you, our supporters, on funds spent and impact made at the Hospital and in the community. If you missed it, you can watch the first Board Brief given by Vice Chair Daniella Vallurupalli, or you can read it here.
Who has PRIDE?
Last month, in honor of PRIDE, the Foundation sponsored the annual SF TransMarch and awarded a new $30,000 community-based grant to San Francisco Community Health Center’s Trans Health and Wellness Project. Learn more about the grants made in the 2019-20 fiscal year. Hint: one involves ipads and another involves a microscope – all in support of Saint Francis’ patients. 💖
Head shoulders knees & toes – Exercising safely during the pandemic
Join us for an engaging and informative conversation about safely returning to exercise after staying indoors for months. Hear from health care leaders and ask questions directly to the experts. The next town hall is with Dr. Victor A. Prieto, orthopedic surgeon and Medical Director for the Center for Sports Medicine at Saint Francis.
Virtual Town Hall with Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Prieto
Thursday, August 20
12pm – 1pm PST
Come with questions!
Past Town Halls – please see links below in case you missed these!
- The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Health Care in San Francisco
- No Playbook: An Inside Look into COVID-19 and the Hospital’s Response
COVID patient’s daughter shares kind words for Saint Francis Nurse W. Donnie Nelson
Good afternoon Donnie,
I just wanted to say, from the bottom of my heart, Thank You. From all of us in the family. We are immensely grateful that my Daddy had such a kind, gentle, and compassionate nurse by his side. The words you shared with my Dad in his final moments will stay with me forever. I respect and admire you as an aspiring nurse, and I hope to one day console and advocate for a patient and grieving family as much as you have for ours.
Thank You for putting your life on the line trying to save my Daddy... May you be shielded by our love and his from this virus.
With gratitude and love, forever,
M. (Daughter of a COVID patient, July 2020)
Nominate your Health Care Hero!
In May we started sharing the profiles of the incomparable frontline staff at Saint Francis. Read about these amazing Health Care Heroes and nominate your own! Do you know a Saint Francis staff member who made your day or changed your life? (Pictured: Ana Delgado RN)
Don’t miss this! Dec 12th
Returning by popular demand, only this time with a virtual twist, please save Saturday, December 12, 2020 for the Hob Nob! You’ll want to get out your black tie and high heels for this festive evening. Although it will be virtual, there will be several fun ways to engage and socialize, while supporting Saint Francis. Stay tuned for more details!
Learn more about the interconnection of financial goals and charitable giving
Have you thought about setting up an account that helps you plan for your future and helps Saint Francis? Please share with us your financial goals and philanthropic priorities, and we can help you make a planned gift or join our Legacy Society. Please reach out to Brooke – she is happy to chat at any time. You may call her at 415-353-6276 or send her an email.
Mark your calendar for these special virtual events: Sept 22, Oct 20, and Dec 1.
Make sure you always get our emails at the top of your inbox!
Very often, newsletters and other emails from organizations you care about land directly in your Promotions or Junk folder. To ensure you always get the latest information from us, please take a moment to add sff@saintfrancisfoundation.org and mryle@saintfrancisfoundation.org to your Email Contacts. (In gmail for example, hover over the sender name and then when the box pops up, click “Add to Contacts.” See example at left. Please reach out to us if you need help or see this brief step by step guide based on your Email Server. Thank you for being part of our community!
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